- Maintenance Managers,
- Maintenance Supervisors,
- Personnel designated as planners, or identified to njbecome planners
- Key leaders from each Maintenance craft,
- Key Operations Supervisors,
- Materials Management Managers/Supervisors,
- CMMS Administrator or key users,
- Key Maintenance support assistants,
- Other stakeholders in the Work Planning Function.
Our 2-day course on Maintenance and Asset Management is aimed at operations and maintenance managers, operations and maintenance supervisors, and maintenance planning personnel. The programme provides the delegate basic principles of effective maintenance planning, as well as proven techniques for the development of an effective maintenance plan, the planning and control of maintenance work, shutdown management, and management reporting and analysis. Maintenance and Asset Management.
Top organisations view effective Maintenance and Asset Management as a high leverage contributor to business profitability, through its impact on equipment capacity, product quality, safety, health and the environment, and the cost of production. The results and benefits from implementing a world class maintenance operation should yield a significant improvement in plant profit, as well as many intangible benefits such as enhanced customer satisfaction, employee pride and vendor relations.
- Identify best practices and key elements for taking action on them,
- Understand how world- class organizations solve common maintenance management problems,
- Evaluate your practices compared to those of others,
- Improve the use of your information and communication tools,
- Improve productivity through use of better, timelier information,
- Create and preserve lead-time in work management and use it for planning and scheduling resources,
- Improve consistency and reliability of asset information,
- Achieve more productive turnarounds,
- Optimize preventive and predictive maintenance strategies.
Leading companies view effective Maintenance and Asset Management as a high leverage contributor to business profitability, through its impact on equipment capacity, product quality, safety, health and the environment, and the cost of production.
The results and benefits from implementing a world class maintenance operation should yield a significant improvement in plant profit, as well as many intangible benefits such as enhanced customer satisfaction, employee pride and vendor relations. Strategic asset management is fundamental to the success of operations.
If it is your aim to have a world-class enterprise, the maintenance organisation and strategy have a critical role to play in this mission. Driven from business goals, such a strategy cannot be seen as separate from other functions, but rather as an intrinsic part of a complete approach to high performance operation. The business goals will place organisational, as well technical demands on the enterprise.
The strategy therefore has to integrate and guide the implementation of tech-nical and managerial strategies at all organisational and process levels.
The strategy/philosophy must represent the very best technology, procedures and practices available, relevant to the business goals of the organisation. The strategy must define the processes/procedures/practices required to achieve the highest possible degree of maintenance and asset management effectiveness, whilst minimising total life-cycle costs of new assets and current operating costs of existing assets