The NEC4 Overview Workshop is a one‐day NEC4 training course which introduces you to the new contracts added to the NEC4 contract family in June 2017 as well as looking at the significant changes within the existing contracts. GMH NEC4 training courses are run in-house to companies or as public training sessions where individuals can sign up to attend, delivered by recognized industry exerts in NEC.
NEC4 is a welcome enhancement to what was already a very practical set of contracts, but like anything it needed to evolve to move with the times and address issues reported from the industry that were still common place.
The NEC4 overview workshop will look at the main principles of the two new contracts added:
- Design, Build and Operate (DBO): to allow for the operation and/or maintenance to be included to traditional design and build.
- Alliance Contract (ALC): multi party contract allowing for an integrated delivery team within one single contract where by the Parties are all working together to achieve client objectives but sharing the risk/rewards along the way.
The session will then explore the significant changes that on a practical basis are the ones for regular users of the contract to understand. There are a number of key changes some of which are contract wide, and some of which are specific to individual contracts.
The changes include in our NEC4 overview training course cover amendments to standard wording, additional clauses, additional secondary options and changes to guidance. The workshop will consider why it was felt they were needed and how they should be practically understood. For many organizations or projects already working to NEC3 on long term projects the migration across to NEC4 will take several months or even year(s). This workshop will therefore also consider/remind key virtues that people should understand with NEC contracts and consider common issues that are still happening on projects and how they can be avoided – with or without the new wording within NEC4.
Attendees of the NEC4 Training Overview Workshop course will have a much clearer understanding of the intent of the specific contractual clauses of the new NEC4 contracts and in practical terms begin to see how they should understood/administered for the benefit of all parties on a particular project.
- The two new NEC4 contracts added to suite (Design, Build and Operate contract/Alliance contract).
- Subtle principle changes across the suite of contracts.
- New secondary options.
- Main changes to ECC/TSC/PSC contracts, why they were deemed necessary and how they can/will work in practice.
- Common issues still occurring on projects working to NEC3 and how they could be overcome/avoided.
This workshop is recommended for anyone currently involved with NEC3 contracts who wish to have a good understanding of the changes that NEC4 will bring on a practical basis, including project managers, contract managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners,contractors and their supply chain.